StarterKit Template

"StarterKit" is an open-source fork-able mobile-first marketplace codebase that is a great starting point for teams building on TalentLayer.

StarterKit is...

  • a fully functioning freelance marketplace DAPP

  • build with React, Tailwind, WalletConnect, and TalentLayer API

  • 100% open-source

  • mobile-first, with PWA support

It's a good first step to set up a local version of StarterKit to...

  1. Get to know how frontends interface with TalentLayer

  2. Use it as a foundation for your next DAPP.

Explore the DAPP

We've hosted a version of StarterKit on Mumbai testnet for you to play around with! Have fun.

View on Github

Local Setup Instructions

1. Clone Repository from GitHub

git clone

2. Move to directory

cd starter-kit

3. Setup .env File

Setup your local environnement by copying the .env.example and adjust the variables.

Main variable to update:

Advanced configuration:

  • coming soon

4. Install dependencies

npm i

5. Run the dapp!

npm run dev

Last updated