⭐Get a Platform ID
Here, we will explore the steps to follow to obtain a Platform ID on both the testnet (Mumbai) and mainnet (Polygon).
Learn about Platform IDs
PlatformIDCreate a Platform ID on Mumbai Testnet
Platform IDs on Polygon Mumbai are self-service - anyone can create a Platform ID today by following the guide below.
Step 1: Please follow the mumbai polygon scan link https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0xEFD8dbC421380Ee04BAdB69216a0FD97F64CbFD4#writeProxyContract
Step 2: Please follow this tutorial to mint your TalentLayer Platform ID on Mumbai
Create a Platform ID on Polygon Mainnet
In order to mint a Platform ID on the Polygon mainnet, you must be whitelisted by the TalentLayer team. Please visit the "Contact The Team" page to request a mainnet Platform ID.
Mainnet Platform IDs will only be approved for working testnet platforms. Please do not request a mainnet Platform ID unless you have a production-ready app on testnet.
Last updated