XMTP - Messaging

What is XMTP?

XMTP is an inter-wallet messaging protocol.

Why XMTP and TalentLayer?

TalentLayer needs to provide our marketplace builders with tools to allow hirers and workers to message eachother. This is important within one platform, but considering TalentLayer enables transactions between workers and hirers on different platforms, on-chain and interoperable messaging is essential.

XMTP provides secure wallet-to-wallet communication via it's composable protocol and toolkit.

XMTP TalentLayer Indie Module

We've developed a module in our Indie Demo Dapp with full on-chain messaging integration using XMTP - hirers can chat with workers and vice versa to discuss terms, payment, the work product, and more. Messaging is interoperable across marketplaces - hirers and workers can message counterparties on other platforms, if this is enabled.

All TalentLayer third-party modules are housed in separate folders in the TalentLayer Indie demo dapp, and can easily be added to platforms by copying the folder into your repo.

View the Module

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