How to implement minting TalentLayer IDs?

Minting a TalentLayer ID is the first step that your users will need to do when registering for an account on your platform.

Good to Know

In this example, we will use reactJS, Ether.js and formik to handle the form on the frontend. You will find a full code example with all imports at the end of tutorial.

① Create a Form for Choosing a TalentLayer ID Handle

The user will create his handle.

// Imports can be find in the full example at the end of the tutorial

interface IFormValues {
  handle: string;

const initialValues: IFormValues = {
  handle: '',

function TalentLayerIdForm() {
  const validationSchema = Yup.object().shape({
    handle: Yup.string()
      .when('isConnected', {
        is: account && account.isConnected,
        then: schema => schema.required('handle is required'),

  const onSubmit = async (
    submittedValues: IFormValues,
    { setSubmitting }: { setSubmitting: (isSubmitting: boolean) => void },
  ) => {
    // We will handle submit here on the next step

  return (
    <Formik initialValues={initialValues} onSubmit={onSubmit} validationSchema={validationSchema}>
      {({ isSubmitting }) => (
                placeholder='Choose your handle'
            <button type='submit'>Submit</button>

export default TalentLayerIdForm;

Bonus: You can check if an handle is already taken and include it in the form validation by using a subgraph query.

export const getUserByHandle = (handle: string): Promise<any> => {
  const query = `
    users(where: {handle_contains_nocase: "${handle}"}, first: 1) {
  return processRequest(query);

Handle Submit and Post to the Blockchain

On submit, we create a new transaction and call the mint function of the TalentLayerId contract.

const onSubmit = async (
    submittedValues: IFormValues,
    { setSubmitting }: { setSubmitting: (isSubmitting: boolean) => void },
  ) => {
    try {
        const contract = new ethers.Contract(

        const tx = await'1', submittedValues.handle);
    } catch (error) {

③ Get Your New User Information With Subgraph API

After the transaction succeeds, the new user will be viewable via our subgraph api.

export const getUserByAddress = (address: string): Promise<any> => {
  const query = `
      users(where: {address: "${address.toLocaleLowerCase()}"}, first: 1) {
  return processRequest(query);

See the Full Code Implemented on Our Demo DAPP

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