Lens Protocol - Social

TalentLayer has partnered with Lens, the decentralized social graph, to connect our protocols; enabling platforms building on Lens to offer work-related offerings like job posts, proposals, escrow payments and more, and platforms building on TalentLayer to let users display their social history alongside their work reputations.

Why TalentLayer and 🌱 Lens?

TalentLayer and Lens are both composable infrastructures that teams can build new platforms on top of! We both want to see a world where all users own their data and work platforms benefit from user sharing. So, it’s only natural to team up 🀝.

TalentLayer empowers builders in the Lens community to add freelance and work marketplace functionality to their social apps! PLUS: Work marketplace builders can add social feeds to their apps.

Read the full public announcement here:

Lens TalentLayer Indie Module: Display 🌱 Lens Feeds on Your Work Platform

The TalentLayer x Lens integration is ready to go! Want to learn how to integrate? Get started with forking our demo DAPP to learn how applications can reference TalentLayer and Lens profile data at the same time.

Are you Building Social Platforms on 🌱 Lens?

Are you building a social media platform on Lens Protocol? We want to help YOU integrate work tools into your platform. Get in touch here:

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