
Here we will cover the delegation activation setting

Set the .env delegation variable

# ========== DELEGATION ==============
## Active the delegate feature for service / proposal / release / review (the proposal validation won't be delegate)

## Active the delegate feature for minting ID - will call a backend api and call the smartcontract function mintForAddress

## This seed phrase is only used for delegate purpose
NEXT_PRIVATE_DELEGATE_SEED_PHRASE="add you seed phrase here only for delegate purpose"

## Public address


The NEXT_PUBLIC_ACTIVE_DELEGATE variable will display the activation button in the settings dashboard, allowing users to activate and deactivate the delegation feature.


The NEXT_PUBLIC_ACTIVE_DELEGATE_MINT variable will enable users to mint their TalentLayerID without incurring any fees.

NEXT_PRIVATE_DELEGATE_SEED_PHRASE="add you seed phrase here only for delegate purpose"

The NEXT_PRIVATE_DELEGATE_SEED_PHRASE is required to pay the fees for the user's actions. The wallet should be used exclusively for delegation purposes.


The NEXT_PUBLIC_DELEGATE_ADDRESS is the public address used for transactions.

Last updated

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