Querying from an application
Using GraphQL client
To make a subgraph request, we use Axios. Axios is a library that allows us to send HTTP requests from the browser or Node.js. You can use Axios (or other libraries) to query the TalentLayer subgraph. You can find the documentation here
We will detail step by step how to query the TalentLayer subgraph using Axios and display the result on the front end
1 - Request the subgraph
First we need to set up the process Request (please check the file to learn more)
This asynchronous function takes a query string as a parameter, sends it as a POST request to a configured subgraph URL using the axios library, and returns the response data. If an error occurs during the request, the error is logged to the console, and the function returns null
Now we can use the processRequest function to query the subgraph. Let's build a query! For example, if you want to get the user informations based on the user id, we can use the following query:
You can test multiple queries on the subgraph playground We will detail in the next queries documentation file how to build your own queries and what kinf of data you can get from the TalentLayer subgraph.
Now that we have our query, we can use it in a hook to get the user information.
This code defines a custom React hook called useUserById , which accepts an id parameter and returns a user object or null. It calls the getUserById function module to fetch user data by id (detailed just above). If the data is successfully fetched, the user state is updated with the retrieved user object. In case of an error, the error is logged to the console. The custom hook returns the user object, making it easy to use within other components.
Please find the code here
Please find the full code here
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