Kleros Arbitration

Through leveraging an augmented version of Kleros Escrow, TalentLayer's escrow system is fully compatible with the Kleros decentralized dispute resolution protocol. When one user initiates a dispute, the result of the dispute is judged by jurors in the Kleros Court system. A ruling is then sent back to the platform, to be displayed to the users.

By having decentralized multi-party juror dispute resolution, TalentLayer allows marketplaces to avoid the common pitfalls that come with centrally managed dispute resolutions; namley, biased decisions, high cost of resolution, and inefficiency.

Learn About Kleros

How does Kleros Court work?

Once a dispute has been initiated via TalentLayer, on the backend your dispute gets sent to Kleros Court. The lifecycle of disputes follows a five, step process.

A dispute goes through several stages after (it) is created:

  1. Evidence - Evidence can be submitted. This is also when drawing has to take place.

  2. Commit - Jurors commit a hashed vote. This is skipped for courts without hidden votes.

  3. Vote - Jurors reveal/cast their vote depending on whether the court has hidden votes or not.

  4. Appeal - The dispute can be appealed.

  5. Execution - Tokens are redistributed and the ruling is executed.

The period of each stage is different for each (sub)court.

From "What Happens During a Dispute" on Kleros.Gitbook.io

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